
Mixko is a multi-discipline design studio set up by Alex Garnett and Nahoko Koyama. Their objective is to create items that inspire happiness and possess satisfying simplicity. Mixko has produced […]



Mixko is a multi-discipline design studio set up by Alex Garnett and Nahoko Koyama. Their objective is to create items that inspire happiness and possess satisfying simplicity. Mixko has produced a range of works, encompassing everything from interior design objects and modern sculpture to fashion accessories and web design. Rings are individually made by hand in England.

Ruggiero Dipaola

Telefono, camicie, carte da parati, web-surfing quotidiano, parquet a listoni, vogue america, viaggiare, knick-knack, legno, fashion styling, profiterole, vintage, Miyazaki, illustrazioni.

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