My Money, My Currency by Hanna von Goeler

My Money, My Currency by Hanna von Goeler: “My currency work originated in California, while I was studying at UC Davis. I was very interested in camouflage at the time. This […]

My Money, My Currency by Hanna von Goeler


My Money, My Currency by Hanna von Goeler:

“My currency work originated in California, while I was studying at UC Davis. I was very interested in camouflage at the time. This interest led me to create my first paintings on dollar bills, between 1992-94, in which I camouflaged/painted images onto and into bills. A death in the family led me to the east coast, and faced with the costs of living in New York City on an artist’s budget, I continued to paint on money. Even today, with the global financial crisis at hand and with political and cultural currencies vying for power, my currency series continues to engage me and feel relevant.”

Picture 76

Picture 77

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