Farbattacke (Color attack!) on Rosenthaler Platz, Berlin

On Sunday, 25 April,  there was a “Farbattacke” at Rosenthaler Platz in Berlin. “At each of the four junction sites has been drained over the pedestrian crossing color, bright red, […]

Farbattacke (Color attack!) on Rosenthaler Platz, Berlin


On Sunday, 25 April,  there was a “Farbattacke” at Rosenthaler Platz in Berlin. “At each of the four junction sites has been drained over the pedestrian crossing color, bright red, yellow, blue and purple, the rest have done bikes, cars and pedestrians,” says “mg” at Just.

Maybe Guerilla marketing? This is indicated a) “Some” suspicious “looking onlookers with larger cameras,” b) the choice of location (from the window of your favorite cafes in the digital Bhoème St. Oberholz can see the intersection and blogging the event almost live), c) fact that “only” indelible paint was used, d) there was no outing of an artist, and e) the similar campaigns by Sony (Bravia) and BMW. Let’s see who’s really behind it …



More here and here

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