Cute concrete

Ugly is beautiful. Berlin located architect Cord Woywod found a witty way conserving former GDR architecture. His “edition Faltplatte“ covers several cardboard models of famous former GDR buildings, which help […]



It was about time for the world’s first designer energy-saving light bulb to be produced. Plumen is the creation of Hulger and it did change the face of lighting as […]


Milan Direct | Design replicas

You have always loved the design chairs and furniture you were only able to see on TV and magazine because too expensive? Maybe you did not know you can buy modern-classic […]


Lost in sofa

An idea by Daisuke Motogi. Things often get lost under the sofa. It’s ordinary for a coin which slipped out of your pocket, or a never-to-be-found remote to be accidentally […]


The modern tromp l’oeil: Zazous stickers

The Tromp l’oeil is an ancient painting technique, it was used especially in Italy during the Renaissance and over. It was used by Giotto, Leonardo, Brunelleschi in order to create […]


Sky Planter di Boskke

Vorreste avere piante e piantine in casa, certo. Ma nel vostro monolocale avete fatto fatica a trovare spazio per l’armadio, figuriamoci per i vasetti di piantine aromatiche. Figuriamoci per i […]


OFFSET by Giorgio Biscaro

Partiamo dicendo che lo sgabello qui sopra non lo trovate all’ IKEA. Offset  di Giorgio Biscaro è il risultato di una approfondita ricerca nella tecnologia del multistrato curvato, delle sue […]


Finnish Design Shop

Per gli amanti del design scandinavo e del minimalismo ( a volte) estremo, vi consigliamo FinnishDesignShop, un negozio online fondato nel 2004 che vende direttamente dalla Finlandia e consegna i suoi […]


Fatboy Marimekko

What about sitting on a big and comfortable bean bag with vibrant colors? Fatboy pays respect to innovation by letting fashion icon Marimekko use the Fatboy as a three-dimensional canvas […]


‘Sunflower seeds’ exhibition

The latest artwork in Tate Modern‘s Turbine Hall is ‘Sunflower Seeds’ by Ai Weiwei, 100 million hand made porcelain sunflower seeds have been spread over the floor. Visitors are able […]


Interior decoration trend: Trompe-l’oeil

(Winter dots plates, West Elm) Cose che sembrano qualcos’altro: uno dei trucchi meglio riusciti in fatto di dècor d’interni. Coriandoli nel piatto del dessert? Sì, ma dipinti a mano. Un […]



Snug is a design studio based in Hannover. Their products are absolutely poetic: cloud-shaped kitchen stuff, wooden jewelry and lamps that in their past life were cups. Check out their […]