Chatting with Annie Hall @ Mi Ami Festival 2010

Usually we talk about new bands from England, Usa, Australia, Norway, and the rest of the world, and sometimes we forget there’s an Italian movement at all. It’s not easy […]

Chatting with Annie Hall @ Mi Ami Festival 2010


Usually we talk about new bands from England, Usa, Australia, Norway, and the rest of the world, and sometimes we forget there’s an Italian movement at all. It’s not easy for a band in our country to grow up in the  music system, the mainstream and pop music have a lot of influence on the radio, music tv (Mtv and others) and newspapers. Mi Ami Festival 2010 took place two weeks ago, a lot of people came to Circolo Magnolia club for three days of music with an excellent line up. We chose some great artists from the line up and we are proud to introduce their music with a short interview and a track available on streaming. Read the Annie Hall interview below and have a listen to their song Ghost legs!

ANNIE HALL (Brescia /Milan)

After the gig we met Fabio Dondelli, the singer and songwriter of the band.

Polkadotter: It’s the second time for Annie Hall at Mi Ami Festival, the first one was in 2008, what has changed since the last time? in terms of feelings on stage, emotions, fears, fans!

Fabio / Annie Hall: The first time at Mi Ami festival we were more scared but at the same time we came from a lot of gigs to promote our first album (Cloud Choocko Land) and we were hot on the stage. The second album  “Carousel“, is available now but we’ve been playing a bit less. It has been a good gig tonight, on an intimate stage, perfect for our sound, that usually is considered acoustic and sweet, but the Annie Hall band has got a double face also with a more rock attitude when we can play the electric set, just has you’ve seen earlier.

Polkadotter: What about the evolution from your first album to your second one,  if it did occurr?

Fabio / Annie Hall: Carousel is a completely home-made album and it is exactly what we wanted to realize, it is an important step of the band but we are currently working on a new project, whose aim is to improve the notoriety of the band. It will be something new, thanks to a high quality production and we would finalize it as soon as possible and we hope to catch a lot of new fans also!

Polkadotter: Great! Listening to Carousel right now there are a lot of more rich arrangements and influence of jazz and folk that have always influenced the band. Where you can find inspiration?

Fabio / Annie Hall: I’m the author of the pieces, and i like the italian singer songwriters (from the past and from the present) and i love the american songs realized by artists as Neil Young or Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash. And i like pop influence also, like the Beatles. All of these has inspired me, and that’s why the songs are written in english too.

Polkadotter: So, are you looking to international experiences?

Fabio / Annie Hall: We really like a lot! We have been in France for a week, it was a very nice experience and we hope to have more chances to travel around the Europe in order to promote our new album, and we are working on this direction but i can’t tell you more! There are few bands singing in english really popular in Italy, it’s more is if you are outside our country.

Polkadotter: Do you agree with the  “do it yourself” web philosophy in terms of free streaming of music? What about Annie Hall and internet relationship?

Fabio / Annie Hall: It’s an interesting question. Now we are in the middle of the process but obviously the free streaming of music and other contests is the future. We just need to create the right way to use them, and it’s a little bit complicated (it’s ironic)! By the way we agree with the free sharing of contents on the web.

Polkadotter: We agree with your opinion too. And that’s why we ask you if you chose a song that represents Annie Hall and we can sharing on Polkadot freely!

Fabio / Annie Hall: It’s a hard decision but i think Ghost Legs, from Cloud choocko land, it could be perfect !

Polkadotter: Last question, would you like to suggest another artist playing at the festival you appreciate?

Fabio / Annie Hall: I’m sure Father Murphy

Mariella Tilena

Nella vita ho ricevuto due doni: una buona scrittura e una buona dose di curiosità. Forse avrei voluto ricevere anche il dono artistico del musicista, perchè le note per me valgono più di mille parole. Allora uso spesso la tastiera per raccontare di musica... ma non solo.

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