Lacoste Legends – The Power of 12

To celebrate the launch of the LACOSTE Legends project, LACOSTE hosted a glamorous party at Berlin night-spot ‘Stadbad’. Located in a disused swimming baths in Berlin, the Stadtbad Oderberger was the […]

Lacoste Legends – The Power of 12

To celebrate the launch of the LACOSTE Legends project, LACOSTE hosted a glamorous party at Berlin night-spot ‘Stadbad’. Located in a disused swimming baths in Berlin, the Stadtbad Oderberger was the perfect venue for the Legends event, and was totally transformed that evening into a LACOSTE haven, complete with ‘grass’ tennis court that acted as the dance floor. LACOSTE Legends brings together 12 legendary collaborators from the worlds of music, media, design and retail, to create an exclusive collection comprising 12 shoes.

Sharing the LACOSTE values of tenacity, authenticity, modernity and effortless style, together the 12 contributors are the LACOSTE Legends. The 12 designs reflect the broadly diverse personalities and creative talents of each of the contributors, and confirm their legendary status as the foremost trend-setters and opinion-leaders from across the globe.among them the iconic sneaker designer Ato Matsumoto, French music lothario Sebastian Tellier & legendary fashion & style magazine iD.

Schermata 2010-08-20 a 23.26.15

The 12 designs go on sale with selected global distribution on 12.12 – the 12th December 2010. All the news and updates on

To celebrate the launch of the LACOSTE Legends project, LACOSTE hosted a glamorous party at Berlin night-spot ‘Stadbad’. Located in a disused swimming baths in Berlin, the Stadtbad Oderberger was the perfect venue for the Legends event, and was totally transformed that evening into a LACOSTE haven, complete with ‘grass’ tennis court that acted as the dance floor.

Angelo Superti

Editor in chief e fondatore di Polkadot. Ingegnere, curioso e appassionato, da sempre spettatore dell'eterno duello tra razionalità e creatività, tra idee e limiti di tempo. La Puglia è la sua casa.

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