
HeyTeam is a design collective born out of the dream of three ready and willing students to make design in the secluded prosperous area of the uncared-for Italy. The team […]


HeyTeam is a design collective born out of the dream of three ready and willing students to make design in the secluded prosperous area of the uncared-for Italy. The team is composed by Claudia Ciarpella, Paolo Emili and Riccardo Paccaloni, all students of Industrial Design at University of Camerino, Italy. Patch is a project which wants to recover discarded leather from the shoe industry, highly spread in the area where the 3 guys live. The wasted leather is carefully selected and wisely sewed together to set up a big patched pillow, giving a second life to a precious material, doomed to be wrecked.

One thought on “HeyTeam”

  1. […] [via] About us _ Sobre nosotros Welcome to The Modern Post, a place where we will share all our design obsessions with you. From design classics to the cutting-edge objects, furniture, architecture, fashion, graphic design, and everything that makes our living a little bit better. ································································································ Bienvenidos a The Modern Post, un lugar donde compartiremos nuestras obsesiones en diseño. Desde los clásicos hasta las últimas tendencias en objetos, mobiliario, arquitectura, moda, diseño grafico y todo aquello que hace nuestra vida un poco mejor. Subscribe_Suscríbete If you want to receive our daily latest posts, please enter your email address: […]

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