
SoHi is a contemporary lifestyle magazine showcasing the creative, art and fashion scene in the NSW Southern Highlands. Maud /a D&AD award winning design studio based in Sydney/ created the […]

SoHi is a contemporary lifestyle magazine showcasing the creative, art and fashion scene in the NSW Southern Highlands.
Maud /a D&AD award winning design studio based in Sydney/ created the corporate branding and art direction for the print and digital publication, and continue to work with SoHi acting as brand guardian across all design content.
The design solution is visually clean and simple, to reflect the core values of the brand: Inclusive, Relaxed, Community.
Printed in a limited edition run of 2000 per issue, it has not only been embraced by locals and creatives, but the design has resonated globally including an interview in UK Grafik Magazine and a feature in Magnation where it was selected by Kate Bezar as her number one magazine…

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