Hello my name is Paul Smith

Talking about Paul Smith is more entering in another world made of imagination. After many years of expression in fashion industry, totally inside the system but with a different point […]

Talking about Paul Smith is more entering in another world made of imagination.

After many years of expression in fashion industry, totally inside the system but with a different point of view, now we can appreciate his work better and in different channels.

Paul Smith Ipad app screenshot

Ipad app screenshot

I ‘ve just downloaded the iTunes Hello, My Name is Paul Smith app
Very well done and interesting in understanding what is in the mind of the designer, the references, the reasons of his activity.
A must for creative people, curious and of course lovers.

Paul Smith Ipad app screenshot

Ipad app screenshot

Also, recently in London there’s a homonym exhibition Hello, My Name is Paul Smith at the design museum, celebrating his career from Nottingham to
the International success through a backstage eye.
Until 09 March 2014 at Design Museum

Paul Smith exhibition at Design Museum, London.

Paul Smith exhibition at Design Museum, London.

Remarkably beautiful, the London store in Albemarle Street in London, opened in 2013 and selling both male, female and special items.

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

The building exterior features a bespoke, cast iron panelled façade and balustrade set against distinctive black painted walls.

Albemarle street store drawing courtesy © Paul Smith Limited

Albemarle street store drawing
courtesy © Paul Smith Limited

The façade, designed in conjunction with 6A architects, discreetly incorporates Paul’s hand drawings, combining the entrenched architectural traditions of the local vicinity with the modernity of the Paul Smith aesthetic.

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

Facade detail. photo © Paul Smith Limited

photo © Paul Smith Limited

Paul Smith interior detail: The domino room, where the walls are covered from floor-to-ceiling with a total of 26,000 dominoes.

The domino room. photo © Paul Smith Limited

The domino room. photo © Paul Smith Limited

The domino room detail. photo © Paul Smith Limited

The domino room detail. photo © Paul Smith Limited

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