La Cima Coat Hanger

A line between earth and sky – an escape route – the harmonious yin-yang balance – recollections of a sea-crossing and getting to a safe harbour. Spontaneous symbols and references […]

La Cima Coat Hanger

Schermata 2010-08-24 a 21.27.51

A line between earth and sky – an escape route – the harmonious yin-yang balance – recollections of a sea-crossing and getting to a safe harbour. Spontaneous symbols and references for a piece of almost ready-made functionality and designer aesthetics. A hanging rope for attaching whatever can he hung. Vestibule, bathroom, kids’ room, bedroom, studio, restaurant. Wall or ceiling-mounted clothes-hanger in pleated nautical rope. Apparel hanging accessories and wall-or ceiling anchorage hardware in metal. An idea by Lapo Ciatti available at  Designtoday.Schermata 2010-08-24 a 21.27.58

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