Nixon Nomadic Headphones

Nixon started out making custom built watches in the late 90s and are now applying their sleek sense of design and functionality to headphones. This is their over-ear Nomadic model […]

Nixon Nomadic Headphones

Nixon started out making custom built watches in the late 90s and are now applying their sleek sense of design and functionality to headphones. This is their over-ear Nomadic model and it not only looks and feels awesome, but sounds great too. Featuring a 40mm dynamic driver, patent-pending ball and socket design technology (for unlimited range of fit), durable synthetic leather headband, and memory foam ear cushions, the Nomadic is built for maximum comfort for extended listening sessions on the road. They also feature a collapsible design with removable braided cord (for tangle-free use) and custom carrying case for easy transport. A wide range of headphones are available at SuperFlyDeluxe.

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