MAG Coffee Table + TELE Side Table

Chicago-based Ali Sandifer Studio has designed the MAG Coffee Table and TELE Side Table. Both are made of Hardwood.  Contoured structures embrace a continuous undulating surface which is bisected by […]

MAG Coffee Table + TELE Side Table


Chicago-based Ali Sandifer Studio has designed the MAG Coffee Table and TELE Side Table. Both are made of Hardwood.  Contoured structures embrace a continuous undulating surface which is bisected by magazine storage at belly.



Ali Sandifer Studio is a brand of modern furniture based in Chicago, Illinois. The collection largely integrates storage into its form, striving to make furniture that is both intelligent and attractive. They take pride in hand-producing their work in house. This intimacy and knowledge of craft is essential to the way we design.

Using domestic woods harvested from sustainable forests, our furniture is environmentally sensitive and made to last. Avoiding veneers and stains, we exclusively build with hardwoods that are finished with natural oils and water-based sealants. This honest expression of material and durability in construction is our commitment to sustainability.

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