Sophie Henson

Sophie Henson is an illustrator, typographer and pattern designer based in London. Since turning freelance in 2008, she has worked on an amazingly diverse array of projects, across apparel, editorial […]

Sophie Henson

Sophie Henson is an illustrator, typographer and pattern designer based in London. Since turning freelance in 2008, she has worked on an amazingly diverse array of projects, across apparel, editorial and commercial work. She’s worked with companies including GQ magazine, Blackberry, Stussy, Calvin Klein, Wallpaper* Magazine, Cineworld, Nickelodeon and Uniqlo, to name but a few… She has a lot of exciting projects in the pipeline including a range of screen-printed posters (which will be for sale through her website), and she has been invited to contribute her work to 3 books to be published by Laurence King and Die Gestalten Verlag, which will be out later on in 2009.
Loves: Drinking coffee, eating cheese, walking dogs, gin, hammocks, silliness and sunshine

Angelo Superti

Editor in chief e fondatore di Polkadot. Ingegnere, curioso e appassionato, da sempre spettatore dell'eterno duello tra razionalità e creatività, tra idee e limiti di tempo. La Puglia è la sua casa.

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