Thomas Broomé

To work in a versatile and groundbreaking manner through different techniques and expressions has become one of Thomas Broomés most well known features. In his early work he collaborated with […]

Thomas Broomé

To work in a versatile and groundbreaking manner through different techniques and expressions has become one of Thomas Broomés most well known features. In his early work he collaborated with The Interactive Institute (Interaktiva Institutet) in order to produce interactive art and techniques. Later on he brought those experiences along to develop his own artistry. His debut exhibition at Galleri Magnus Karlsson in 2006 received a lot of attention. For example, the sculpture ‘Low_Res_Man’ was shown, along with a series of black and white drawings made out of words: ‘ModernMantra’. These works have seen an unprecedented spread on the Internet after beeing exposed at the Frieze Art Fair in London and The Armory Show in New York.

In a series of new paintings, Broomé has proceeded with the ‘ModernMantra’-technique, but taken it a step further. The new paintings are of a much larger scale, and Broomé has managed to introduce yet another dimension by adding colour, light and shade. In the images, an object can have up to ten different nuances. Broomé uses the expression “Dunkelskrift” (“dimmed writing”) about the technique. The light sources are emphasized in the dark paintings, long shadows fall over the objects and create a suggestive atmosphere. The images are built by repetitions the words that they represent. The words appear both as linguistic symbols and as bricks in the image structure. Symbolic, hyper-modern environments meet baroque dimmed painting.

Thomas Broomé was born in Malmö 1971 and is now settled in Stockholm. He was educated at Konstfack Instutution of Fine Arts in Stockholm and at Valands Art Acedemy in Gothenburg, where he has also been teaching.

Angelo Superti

Editor in chief e fondatore di Polkadot. Ingegnere, curioso e appassionato, da sempre spettatore dell'eterno duello tra razionalità e creatività, tra idee e limiti di tempo. La Puglia è la sua casa.

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