Brooklyn Bunny

Brooklyn Bunny is a 24h live webcam of a soft white bunny from the hard streets of Williamsburg Brooklyn, New York. His name is Roebling, he loves carrots and lettuce […]

Brooklyn Bunny

Brooklyn Bunny is a 24h live webcam of a soft white bunny from
the hard streets of Williamsburg Brooklyn, New York. His name is Roebling, he loves carrots and lettuce and transmits soft and soothing signals. The DresserJohnson design firm created Brooklyn Bunny and a cute merchandising with Logo t-shirt, pink post cards and stickers, magnets, buttons and also dashboard widget. The co-founder Kevin Dresser said the viewers watch the cam to relieve the stress during the work week. This project is an example of connecting with people (and rabbits) via technology, and maybe a kind of 2.0 voyeurism.
You can follow the easy life of Roebling on
And also on Facebook and Twitter.


Brooklyn Bunny is a 24h live webcam of a soft white bunny from the hard streets of Williamsburg Brooklyn, New York. His name is Roebling, he loves carrots and lettuce and transmits soft and soothing signals. The DresserJohnson design firm created Brooklyn Bunny and a cute merchandising with Logo t-shirt, pink post cards and stickers, magnets, buttons and also dashboard widget. The co-founder Kevin Dresser said the viewers watch the cam to relieve the stress during the work week. This project is an example of connecting with people (and rabbits) via technology, and maybe a kind of 2.0 voyeurism.

You can follow the easy life of Roebling on And also on Facebook and Twitter.

Schermata 2010-02-25 a 22.36.07

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