Future of Transport: 3D Fast Bus

A innovative new light-rail concept unveiled in China this week is designed to drive over traffic. The 3D Fas Bus or ‘Straddling Bus’ offers a green solution solution to traffic […]

China's 3D Fast Bus

A innovative new light-rail concept unveiled in China this week is designed to drive over traffic. The 3D Fas Bus or ‘Straddling Bus’ offers a green solution solution to traffic congestion by doing just as its name suggests and straddling two lanes of traffic, allowing cars to pass underneath it.

Proposed by Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment Co., Ltd, the model looks like a subway or light-rail train bestriding the road. It is 4-4.5 m high with two levels: passengers board on the upper level while other vehicles lower than 2 m can go through under. Powered by electricity and solar energy, the bus can speed up to 60 km/h carrying 1200-1400 passengers at a time without blocking other vehicles’ way. Also it costs about 500 million yuan to build the bus and a 40-km-long path for it, only 10% of building equivalent subway. It is said that the bus can reduce traffic jams by 20-30%.

The project, which will be piloted in Beijing later this year, is evidence China is a growing source of innovation. | via

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