Adeline Adeline, NY

Adeline Adeline, at 147 Reade Street,  is a bicycle boutique for who wants to rediscover the love, fun and style of bicycles will be opening . The shop, owned by former graphic […]

Adeline Adeline, NY

Adeline Adeline, at 147 Reade Street,  is a bicycle boutique for who wants to rediscover the love, fun and style of bicycles will be opening . The shop, owned by former graphic designer Julie Hirschfeld, is a friendly, welcoming environment that focuses on the beautifully designed city bikes and accessories made famous on thestreets of Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Paris. Nestled on a quaint Tribeca street, the shop hearkens back to the romance of old world bicycle culture– when riding a bike was a statement of elegance as much as a method of transportation.

Bikes includethe refined English Pashley with its wicker basket; the playful German Retrovelo – a cross between amountain bike and a cruiser; the classic practical Batavus Dutch black bike; or the gorgeous, sexy ItalianAbici.“These are the types of bikes you can fall in love with,” said shop owner Julie Hirschfeld, who started theboutique in response to a lack of options in New York for the casual biker.

“There are a lot of us out therewho are curious about biking, but don’t see ourselves wearing spandex shorts or weaving through trafficwith our pant leg rolled up. Adeline Adeline offers biking with a fresh perspective – it’s about bikes beingeasy, beautiful and fun.”

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