Cute concrete

Ugly is beautiful. Berlin located architect Cord Woywod found a witty way conserving former GDR architecture. His “edition Faltplatte“ covers several cardboard models of famous former GDR buildings, which help […]

Cute concrete

Ugly is beautiful. Berlin located architect Cord Woywod found a witty way conserving former GDR architecture. His “edition Faltplatte“ covers several cardboard models of famous former GDR buildings, which help you to recall longtime forgotten architectonic classics (scale 1:400). „GDR architecture is to be destroyed, demolished or undertaken a funny redesign. All traces of former socialism design disappear to be forgotten,“ Woywod says. „I just wanted to conserve my memories.“

You just need scissors, ruler, glue, 4,00 to 6,00 Euro and your memories from GDR housing buildings in Marzahn, Hellersdorf oder Hohenschönhausen like the WBS 70/11 and pair of high-rise residential buildings WHH GT 18/21 will resurect under your dextrous hands. If you creep for more you could also join Palast der Republik. Karl-Marx-Allee, Haus des Lehrers, Berlin TV-Tower, Café Moskau, Schaubühne, and Bauhaus Dessau. The ideal item for architects, designers, cultur-consumers and other tinkerers…

For those who are already into get it, folding advice chairman Cord Woywodt and his partner, designer Ulrich Krampe present their latest project: the „Betontapete“ (concrete wallpaper). In tribute to the undelightful 70’s fashion brick wall wallpaper, betontapete designed a wallpaper looking like concrete:  „This is a new collection which looks deceptively genuine like real concrete but brings all the advantages of a wallpaper.“ says Woywod. For the various  demands of fashionable interior design betontapete offers patterns for almost every taste like:  fairfaced concrete polished, fairfaced concrete type plattenbau, exposed agregate concrete, grain size 8-25mm, and the pattern Berlin Wall. Each ordered wallpaper is especially digitally printed for the purchaser. (alternativ off-set).

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