GreenLantern by NuDe lab and Romolo Stanco

NuDe is “Nu Design”: not only “new design” but also “now” design, contemporary. GreenLantern is a product of the work of NuDe, and is the first real design object in […]

NuDe is “Nu Design”: not only “new design” but also “now” design, contemporary. GreenLantern is a product of the work of NuDe, and is the first real design object in liquid wood. With the creative management of Romolo Stanco, the scientific knowledge of Politec Valtellina and the partnership of CNR-IENI, NuDe brings the public the objects of tomorrow, creating a short-circuit between experimentation, research and design. New forms and new functions for a new sensitivity: that of research in which it is not the outcome that is amazing, but the unique, incredible voyage undertaken to achieve it.

GreenLantern is the first design object in the world conceived, imagined, developed and made of liquid wood: Thought and designed by Romolo Stanco it is a product that proudly celebrates the skill of companies in the Valtellina area that have never had anything to do with the world of design.
GreenLantern is a flowerpot and a lamp, intrinsically linked in an inseparable relationship.
The light produced by the lamp (a strip of LED created especially for this project with very low consumption and with a warm, sensitive luminous temperature) can be considered a symbolic representation of plant life that thanks to the light is able to perform the photosynthesis it requires to live and grow.

The formal sign that unifies these two concepts (giving light and containing a living organism) is clear and sharply defined; it develops in space as an incomplete circle hastily sketched that, through the energy of the light, falls on the plant and symbolically closes its geometry.
The two functions are connected by an organic conduit, a sort of “vessel” (in the dual sense of a vessel holding a plant and a blood vessel) that establishes the relationship between the plant’s energy and that of the light.

GreenLantern is available in a natural finish of liquid wood (a dark brown similar to the shading of natural teak), in a “Standard” or “Custom” painted version with the possibility of combining different colors for the different parts of the structure and even to choose the color of the power cord.
For more info:
Romolo Stanco blog
NuDe Lab

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