Your Fish Will Die If You Waste Water!

We all know the importance of saving water. But to some people, they think water is the most abundant natural resources that they could just take for granted. Unfortunately, most […]

Your Fish Will Die If You Waste Water!


We all know the importance of saving water. But to some people, they think water is the most abundant natural resources that they could just take for granted. Unfortunately, most of the water on this earth is not directly in potable form. Saving water means saving the energy required to filter and purity water. “Poor Little Fish” basin design tries to persuade consumers to reduce the waste of water in an emotional way. Instead of forcing people to consume less which usually lead to uncomfortable experience, this basin will make people think differently about saving water by making consumption tangible.

Poor Little Fish Basin consists of traditional shaped fish bowl and a basin. While using the water, you will notice the water level in the bowl gradually falls, it will go back to the same level once the water stops. There are separated pipelines so the water that comes from the tap is pure and clean while the one in the bowl is not really changing. Designer : Yan Lu



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