Gone with the Rewind: Lomokino

Lomo addicted, fierce hipsters, vintage forgers, the time is now.
Now your niece’s pram can tumble down the stairs in a very original Odessa style, thanks to Lomokino: Lomography goes video with this 35mm Movie Camera which shoots a movie of 144 frames on any 35mm film. No sound, no special effects, no post production, but an incredibile design object to carry along with you to every indie fest. The LomoKino is also available together with the Lomokinoscope, which allows you to watch your developed LomoKino movies in the most analogue way possible (load your movie rolls into the film containers and watch the movie unfold before your very eyes).

Lomo addicted, fierce hipsters, vintage forgers, the time is now.
Now your niece’s pram can tumble down the stairs in a very original Odessa style, thanks to Lomokino: Lomography goes video with this 35mm Movie Camera which shoots a movie of 144 frames on any 35mm film. No sound, no special effects, no post production, but an incredibile design object to carry along with you to every indie fest. The LomoKino is also available together with the Lomokinoscope, which allows you to watch your developed LomoKino movies in the most analogue way possible (load your movie rolls into the film containers and watch the movie unfold before your very eyes). You can buy Lomokino, get a lot of info and view several presentation videos here.

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