Defakto watches

Defakto is a young brand established at the beginning of the year 2009. It redefines the feeling of time by the creation of a mechanic single hand watch. Within this […]

Defakto watches


Defakto is a young brand established at the beginning of the year 2009. It redefines the feeling of time by the creation of a mechanic single hand watch. Within this form the single hand principal is unique. There are more than enough critical voices as the watch can only be read by the exact minute after some practice – and this may not be everyones cup of tea. Defakto is a watch for people with time and who are therfore not meticulous dependent on knowing the exact time. Designed and built for outstanding personalities which have achieved there own life’s rhythm in the fast-moving time of today.??

Schermata 2009-12-19 a 18.58.51

As the worlds first watchproducer Defakto offers watches to print out. Everyone can test the watch for free without any commitments.


And if you are a Defakto friend on facebook you can win a defakto at:

Angelo Superti

Editor in chief e fondatore di Polkadot. Ingegnere, curioso e appassionato, da sempre spettatore dell'eterno duello tra razionalità e creatività, tra idee e limiti di tempo. La Puglia è la sua casa.

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