RMK Desk Blocks

Rona Meyuchas K is an Israeli British designer with an MA in industrial design from the Scoula Politecnica di Design in Milan, Italy. In 2007 she founded RMK Design Office, a […]

RMK Desk Blocks

Rona Meyuchas K is an Israeli British designer with an MA in industrial design from the Scoula Politecnica di Design in Milan, Italy. In 2007 she founded RMK Design Office, a design firm based in East London focusing on products for small-scale production. “We create products for daily use, combining function with aesthetics; in our design process, we try to minimize the use of unnecessary material and components.” RMK Blocks, her recently released line of desk accessories, can be used individually or grouped for a multifuntional desktop. Crafted from unfinished beech wood, the pieces will naturally darken with age.

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