Sketch Furniture

Swedish design group FRONT are continuing their fine form with their latest project Sketch Furniture. Is it possible to let a first sketch become an object, to design directly onto […]

Sketch Furniture

Swedish design group FRONT are continuing their fine form with their latest project Sketch Furniture.

Is it possible to let a first sketch become an object, to design directly onto space?

The four FRONT members have developed a method to materialise free hand sketches. They make it possible by using a unique method where two advanced techniques are combined.

Pen strokes made in the air are recorded with Motion Capture and become 3D digital files; these are then materialised through Rapid Prototyping into real pieces of furniture.


Angelo Superti

Editor in chief e fondatore di Polkadot. Ingegnere, curioso e appassionato, da sempre spettatore dell'eterno duello tra razionalità e creatività, tra idee e limiti di tempo. La Puglia è la sua casa.

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