Alicia Rius

Abandoned places and vintage objects from a surreal point of view: Alicia Rius photography is full of saturated colours and a mysterious darkness. ( as if Tim Burton met Jean-Pierre Jeunet). […]

Alicia Rius

Abandoned places and vintage objects from a surreal point of view: Alicia Rius photography is full of saturated colours and a mysterious darkness. ( as if Tim Burton met Jean-Pierre Jeunet). We have asked the spanish photographer a few questions…

Q. How did you start taking pictures?
A. I Started 9 months ago when I bought my first Reflex Digital Camera! I couldn’t stop to play with it as it was a big jump from my compact camera.

Q. What moves you to spend time with your camera instead of getting drunk on your sofa?
A. Well, i guess that the fact that I don’t like alcohol helps (laughs). But basically because I’m a little hiperactive and I don’t know how to stay at home. I love exploring, travel and the sensation that I feel when I’m inside of one of those amazing abandoned places. So, I’m always trying to pursuit that adrenaline.

Q. What is your equipment?
A. It’s a second hand Nikon D80 (whichs is awesome) with a AF-S Nikkor 18-135mm 1:3.5-5.6G, a tripod that now is broken (Oops), a wide angle Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 and that’s it! I hope to get more lenses soon!

Q. Tell us 1 or more photographers you admire
A. I love Gregory Colbert, Achim Lippoth, Kalle Gustafsson and the last one I discovered thank to this website is Martin Usborne, his MUTE project is amazing and it touched my soul!

Q. Finally, tell us the kind of photos your prefer, the one ( among the yours) which represents you/your style more, and ( if different) your fav one.
A.I like the photos that inspire me. There are tones of good photographers everywhere but I really like the ones that their work gives me goose bumps as Gregory Colbert’s work does. When I watch his work I’m speechless.
I think that the kind of pictures that defines more my style are the ones from my project ABANDONED PLACES. I love to work with those forgotten objects that are hard to find. Those places have lots of secrets and so they are really special to me. I love to work in this topic as much as I can.

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Angelo Superti

Editor in chief e fondatore di Polkadot. Ingegnere, curioso e appassionato, da sempre spettatore dell'eterno duello tra razionalità e creatività, tra idee e limiti di tempo. La Puglia è la sua casa.

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