Furni Treasure Hunt

To celebrate the launch of the our new Alba “Me” (Media Edition) alarm clock the guys @ Furni are hosting a worldwide treasure hunt! Theywill be hiding Furni “totems” (1/4 […]

Furni Treasure Hunt

To celebrate the launch of the our new Alba “Me” (Media Edition) alarm clock the guys @ Furni are hosting a worldwide treasure hunt! Theywill be hiding Furni “totems” (1/4 scale wooden replicas of the clocks) in specific locations in 6 major cities : PERTH – BERLIN – LONDON – MILAN – MONTREAL – TORONTO. Starting Tuesday Nov 30th 2010 they will be releasing clues via twitter and facebook of the location of the “totem” with updates every few days narrowing down the location. If you find the totem all you need to do is e-mail Furni a picture of you holding it to totem@furnicreations.com and they will send you your very own Alba Me clock!All the info can be found by clicking here

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