His Clancyness

Jonathan Clancy aka His Clancyness, is one of the most interesting reality in the indie scenario. Intimite but with rhythm tunes dressed with beautifully written text, with his half italian […]

His Clancyness

Jonathan Clancy aka His Clancyness, is one of the most interesting reality in the indie scenario.

Intimite but with rhythm tunes dressed with beautifully written text, with his half italian and half canadian mood, we had the pleasure to have a chat wih him!

Check it out…

Let’s  start with His Clancyness? What exactly is? And when did it all start?

His Clancyness is me when I’m in a room wanting to try and record all things alone, sort of away from everything in a trance mode. A few years a good a good friend Enzo asked me to participate in a Xmas compilation for his blog, I did a song and well gave the project a name and then friends from the label Secret Furry Hole encouraged me and we did the first ep Hissometer Cassette. It’s just me experimenting with short songs at home.

How does the idea of your songs come from?

I work at a radio and my resolution this year was basically to bike almost every day to get there, those 20 minutes are often a moment for thinking about songs, i think a lot, I record really fast because I have a really precise idea before of how I want everything to sound, I hum the bass while I’m riding my bike, I hum the drums, the melody, I dream about the words. And then I get home and record. Those 20 minutes save me from being always connected to the world.

We love “Summer Majestic” , the lyrics, the sound and the video as well! How was the collaboration with the director of this video?

Thanks!  I really liked Jamie Harley’s work, in these days of reused film for video you really have to have touch and a vision in your mind. He liked the song, and just waited and waited until I think he found the perfect footage for the video. Once I saw it, the song made more sense to me, I love when that happens, he basically colored the image I had in my head.

I’m really happy with how it turned out.

Great! Is there any band/singer you get inspiration?

I don’t know, i think big solid voices are a big source of inspiration

like Scott Walker,  and strangely enough I’ve been listening to a lot of old female vocalists

that maybe, a few years back I did not listen to a lot of female vocalists, I mean I heard a ton of great ones, but I had a hard time connecting, now it’s almost the opposite.

Have you ever thought of singing in italian?

Nope never, me and my friends always joke about it, for example in A Classic Education we always joke about the fact of re-recording the songs in italian. But I don’t know, it’s just not my thing, not so much for the actual language, is that I like writing words in english… but you never know, I don’t have anything against it. I’d love to sing some old italian songs one day. I had this idea a few years back of translating into english italian independent songs from bands I loved and covering them. Maybe one day I’ll do that. I do have some demos in italian but honestly they are just for fun.

By the way, A classical Education is the other band, you’re playing in. I have to say, an overwhelming project in every aspect like melody, beautifully written songs.. How do this six piece band align the way of doing music?

Thanks a lot, yeah I’m so proud of A Classic Education. We just finished recording our first album and I just so so want everyone to hear the record. It honestly brings me to tears when I think about We’re playing as a five piece now, we just are such good friends, it honestly is like a family, and it makes playing music together just simple and easy.

I know you gonna play in Austin  at the SX SW in few days. How does it feel?

Yeah we are playing next week at SXSW, I’m playing 5 shows with A Classic Education and one with His Clancyness. We have already been twice so now we know exactly how it all works and we can enjoy it the most. we are so excited, we know where the best margarita in town is. Apart from that SXSW for a music fan is just an incredible experience.

Plus the week after we have long tour in Usa/Canada, over 30 dates and we can’ t wait.

Well, Jonathan thanks very much! We are all looking forward to see you play!



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