KISD, Köln International School of Design, is going to release in July the 2011 Edition of its Yearbook, under the title “Design & Provocation”. The publication, printed in thousands of copies and, […]


KISD, Köln International School of Design, is going to release in July the 2011 Edition of its Yearbook, under the title “Design & Provocation”.
The publication, printed in thousands of copies and, for the first time this year, distributed also as a digital publication, aims at being more than just a showcase of the graduates’ work, and strives to represent the current themes and debates existing in the Design world.

For this reason, this year, a double page spread is going to be awarded through worldwide open competition to a valuable design project of a student or professional coherent with the annual topic “Design & Provocation”.
More information about the competition and the publication are avaiable on the KISD Publications fan page. Partecipate!

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