I Wonder. Do you?

“’I Wonder’ is not only a source of inspiration, but also a beautiful work of art.” —HOW Magazine A joyful and enigmatic Pandora’s vase full of baroque patterns, laces and […]

“’I Wonder’ is not only a source of inspiration, but also a beautiful work of art.”
—HOW Magazine

A joyful and enigmatic Pandora’s vase full of baroque patterns, laces and arabesques you can pick from your bookcase whenever you feel blue. Funny and astute, poetic and charming, “I Wonder” is the latest book/masterpiece by world-renowned Canadian typographic illustrator Marian Bantjes. Starting from the black cover enriched with gold and silver foils, every single page is a labyrinth of images and words, a tangle of visual and text. You can critically analyze the alphabet, discover the story of people lost and found, understand the relationship between honour and pasta or explore a galaxy made of jewelry. Computer graphics is melted with freehand drawings to create an accurate, perfect object, of course available at Amazon website.

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