Hungry of new horizons? Enjoy foodscapes

That’s-food-for-your-hungry-eyes. There’s nothing more to say: this stunning series of Foodscapes by London-based photographer Carl Warner is actually created out of fresh foods and will leave you breathless! Recently famous […]

That’s-food-for-your-hungry-eyes. There’s nothing more to say: this stunning series of Foodscapes by London-based photographer Carl Warner is actually created out of fresh foods and will leave you breathless! Recently famous for his other series of (naked) Bodyscapes, Carl has been working in advertising and shooting still lives for over 25 years, and has been developing his Foodscapes idea for the past 10 years already. Actually, his Foodscapes received international recognition back in 2008 and he’s been updating his incredible project since that year.
Have a look at these eyecandies.. and don’t miss the “baking of”!


Cheesecape making of



Fishcape making of


Bread Village

Bread Village

Candy Cottage

Candy Cottage

Cheese Volcano

Cheese Volcano

Chinese Junk

Chinese Junk

Chocolate Express

Chocolate Express

Chocolate Express Making of

White Chocolate Castle

White Chocolate Castle

Tuscan Market

Tuscan Market

Salami Tuscany

Salami Tuscany

Tuscany Landscape

Tuscany Landscape

Breadford and Cheesedale

Breadford and Cheesedale

Cabbage Sea

Cabbage Sea

Cucumber Bridge

Cucumber Bridge

Foods of Switzerland

Foods of Switzerland

Pumpkin Paradise

Pumpkin Paradise

Salmon Sea

Salmon Sea

Yellow Oasis

Yellow Oasis

2001 ABreadscape

2001 A Breadscape

Carl Warner

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