This guy’s a damn hot head

Have you always wanted to keep your head warm with an enormous slice of pizza? Now you can. Australian master of knitting Phil Ferguson, FKA ChiliPhilly, is now breaking the […]

Have you always wanted to keep your head warm with an enormous slice of pizza? Now you can. Australian master of knitting Phil Ferguson, FKA ChiliPhilly, is now breaking the Instagram with his collection of amazingly croqueted hats, each one of which is shaped in the form of a different pop and colorful type of food. It seems he learned how to knit and crochet by watching tutorials on YouTube, and it’s kinda unbelievable if you look at the perfection of his chicken thighs and his donuts. We’re waiting for you to bless him, Anna Dello Russo.

hot dog




fortune cookie

bacon and eggs




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“Acqua e Oro”, l’arte intima e visionaria di Sergio Fiorentino

Il libro celebra l’arte dell’artista siciliano che riesce a tradurre il fascino della sua Noto in dipinti e opere d’arte di grande impatto

Book Club: Consigli di lettura #2

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Book Club: Consigli di lettura #1

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