
Antrepo is a multi-disciplinary design culture. it derives its power from exciting and passionate design members who are actively contributing to the core of design. the Antrepo team formed to […]



Antrepo is a multi-disciplinary design culture. it derives its power from exciting and passionate design members who are actively contributing to the core of design. the Antrepo team formed to create unique design ideas for forward-looking clients. Antrepo believes that it can access any individual and any culture with a fresh idea, allowing itself to envision the next step. At the base of Antrepo, new formulas are created by the Antrepo team


Yellow Cab City Poster
City posters about different style taxicab for different city.
Black style taxicab from London, Yellowcab from New York City, Panelvan style from Istanbul, VW Beetle from Mexico City.
Also this posters displays a current taxi fare information.


Fictional Products Cargo Boxes Poster
It’s about fictional products cargo boxes like Transportation machine, android, daily space suit… it shows, fictional brands as real,  maybe our real products is more fictional than it.


3.5 inch Poster
This poster set is about our old friends, 3.5 inch floppy disks.Higher density drives are built to read, write and even format lower density media without problems, provided the correct media are used for the density selected. This Posters shows, how many floppies are enough for current softwares.


Movie Poster with Brands:
Created by Antrepo Design Industry as “alternative movie posters about brand integration” and it shows , who’s in the film. It is limited edition poster on the different material, canvas, metallic photo paper and natural offset paper also available for 10 different movie, Kill Bill Vol.1, The Matrix Trilogy, The Bourne Ultimatum, The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Ocean’s Eleven, The Da Vinci Code, Cast Away, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction. All posters is limited production but Fight Club and Pulp Fiction posters is only canvas quality and just 20 copies. It produced in istanbul, shipped to anywhere in the world.

All posters are available on

Angelo Superti

Editor in chief e fondatore di Polkadot. Ingegnere, curioso e appassionato, da sempre spettatore dell'eterno duello tra razionalità e creatività, tra idee e limiti di tempo. La Puglia è la sua casa.

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The Geometry of Pasta

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