The Martell Trunk

The House of Martell, the oldest of the great cognac houses, presents the most exceptional object ever created in the world of cognac, a unique trunk made in collaboration with Pinel […]

The Martell Trunk

The House of Martell, the oldest of the great cognac houses, presents the most exceptional object ever created in the world of cognac, a unique trunk made in collaboration with Pinel & Pinel, the renowned French luxury malletier. A mobile trunk-case which is the largest ever produced: an impressive 2,06 meters high, 2,20 meters wide and 0.70 meters deep. It captures both the essence of Martell and the philosophy of the art of cognac, skill, quality and patience.Don’t miss to visit the official website for the launch, on May 17th. Meanwhile, watch the teaser after the jump.

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