Fashion in motion: Hard Bookazine

Tired of just observing fashion? Bang go static magazines and flat websites!
In order to get fashion a shake, eclectic German designer Ruben Scupin brings the experience of vogue like never before. His Bahelor’s project, entitled HARD, is a Bookazine (of course, half a book, half a magazine) wich features all the elemets of paper crafting to make you go ‘wow’. Great graphic ideas, a little bit of popupping, lenticular images, stitching and much more. Is Conde Nast hiring, at the moment?

Tired of just observing fashion? Bang go static magazines and flat websites!
In order to get fashion a shake, eclectic German designer Ruben Scupin brings the experience of vogue like never before. His Bahelor’s project, entitled HARD, is a Bookazine (of course, half a book, half a magazine) which features all the elements of paper crafting to make you go ‘wow’. Great graphic ideas, a little bit of popupping, lenticular images, stitching and much more. Is Conde Nast hiring, at the moment?

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