Dedo frame

DEDO Is a minimal and modern frame made from precious post-consumer and reclaimed woods from around the world.The name DEDO is spanish for fingerprint, which describes the uniqueness of every […]

Dedo frame

DEDO Is a minimal and modern frame made from precious post-consumer and reclaimed woods from around the world.The name DEDO is spanish for fingerprint, which describes the uniqueness of every frame. There are no types of frames, each is created to accentuate the beauty of the wood – one at a time.

Each DEDO (pronouced DAY-DOE) frame is crafted into its own one-of-a-kind creation.  The process is slow and spontaneous, bringing out the best qualities of the wood being crafted. The material is approached with different methods of finishing in order to pronounce the woods’ finer qualities.  The guys behind DEDO have just launched a contest to win a frame: just submit a photo you think would look great in the DEDO and cross your fingers.

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