Project Iris

By combining a recently developed mobile software application with the multimedia facade of the ARS Electronica building we intend to lower participation barriers for end users when interacting with such […]

Project Iris

By combining a recently developed mobile software application with the multimedia facade of the ARS Electronica building we intend to lower participation barriers for end users when interacting with such facades. We developed two prototypes: in the first application, users can paint interactively on the building using touch input on the mobile device. In a second application, users are able to solve a jigsaw puzzle displayed on the facade. iRiS (Immediate Remote Interaction System) is a joint research project from the University of Saarbrücken, Germany and University of Munich, Germany.

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Zalando presenta BOLD MINDS SPEAK

In attesa della prossima edizione di Bread&Butter by Zalando a Berlino (1-3 settembre), Zalando lancia “Bold Minds Speak”, una serie che presenta le ultime novità del Festival of Style and […]

Jägermeister: Ask for a Darker Night

Dopo averci presentato il Night Meister, Jägermeister lancia il secondo capitolo della sua storia: “Ask for a Darker Night” è un invito a vivere una notte diversa dalle altre, più […]

Mercedes-Benz Now Experience

Il progetto artistico, con oltre 1 milione di visualizzazioni su YouTube, esalta l’importanza del momento e la visione della casa automobilistica tedesca legata alle auto elettriche.

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