Polkadot suggestion: Daedelus

What’s the meaning of electronic performance nowadays? It could be everything, and we at Polkadot especially appreciate creative contamination! As Daedelus performace: the californian artist come with his “monome”, a special keyboard (probably […]

Polkadot suggestion: Daedelus

What’s the meaning of electronic performance nowadays? It could be everything, and we at Polkadot especially appreciate creative contamination! As Daedelus performace: the californian artist come with his “monome”, a special keyboard (probably close to a synth) and he plays a personal show. His music plays like synthpop end melodic approach of electronic sounds, a lots of inspirations coming from jazz and minimal also.

Mariella Tilena

Nella vita ho ricevuto due doni: una buona scrittura e una buona dose di curiosità. Forse avrei voluto ricevere anche il dono artistico del musicista, perchè le note per me valgono più di mille parole. Allora uso spesso la tastiera per raccontare di musica... ma non solo.

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