Greenaid: Candy Dispensers Repurposed for Seed Bombing

Two Los Angeles designers have come up with an innovative way to make seed bombing easy for everyone. They’re retrofitting old candy dispensers so they can dispense seeds packed in nutrient-rich clay. Their […]

Greenaid: Candy Dispensers Repurposed for Seed Bombing


Two Los Angeles designers have come up with an innovative way to make seed bombing easy for everyone. They’re retrofitting old candy dispensers so they can dispense seeds packed in nutrient-rich clay.

Their first model is in Los Angeles’s Chinatown and is filled with indigenous plants. They’re hoping that they can expand the program and partner with parks and botanical gardens. At this point, it costs about $500 to retrofit each candy machine, but that price tag would fall if they scale up the program and if the machines prove to be popular they could pay for themselves.



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