Seat Savers – A tale of New York marketing ingenuity

Some enterprising chaps in New York have turned a simple replica food product into a potential money spinner. The Seat Savers concept comes from a simple idea – that people won’t […]

Seat Savers – A tale of New York marketing ingenuity


Some enterprising chaps in New York have turned a simple replica food product into a potential money spinner. The Seat Savers concept comes from a simple idea – that people won’t disturb or use a chair with a spilled beverage or foodstuff on it. The original products come from the Silly Spills range of replica foods sold at New York’s Jeremy’s Place, and are converted by the simple addition of a marketing sign saying ‘Seat Savers’ and a price tag of $2.00 each. See how easy it is? What a marvelous world. More here. | Via


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