“Life can be perfect” by Champagne Bollinger

On 8th July 2011, Champagne Bollinger will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of its iconic cuvée, Bollinger R.D. For the first time ever, Bollinger will be opening the doors of […]

On 8th July 2011, Champagne Bollinger will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of its iconic cuvée, Bollinger R.D. For the first time ever, Bollinger will be opening the doors of its universe to five members of the public,winners of an international competition entitled “Life can be perfect”.

Open from 7th to 21st June 2011, the competition will invite members of the public to recount an exceptional “Life can be perfect” moment via the special web site. All entries will then be appraised by the Bollinger Jury, and the names of the five lucky winners will be announced on 27thJune 2011. These five will then be invited to join Bollinger in Paris on 8th July2011, where they will enjoy a truly exceptional experience celebrating the Bollinger R.D. cuvée.

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