“Here’s a good quote that you should use in your article: When you have an artist picture on the wall you have his soul, and my soul is both spiritual and cheeky, is profound and naughty at the same time, but in the end is a love-life soul.”

I had the chance to meet Tim Stocks for his private view at Nolia’s Gallery in Southwark, London.

What’s Tim’s Naughtiness all about?
How he defines his art is a “Celebration of honesty and life: rather than my artworks, what you see here is me being honest about life: I love young boys, the I love beauty of young boys, but also spiritual side of love: famous people face walking into my picture by chance: from Winston Churchill to Van Gogh, the US Presidents and Salvador Dalì, the Pope and David Hockney. Many faces which you would never expect to see inside the same frame.”

This odd stir of brassy portraits of young boys together with historic characters and celebrities create a quirky blend of vivid colours and sharp patterns, as odd as the combination of oil and markers on the canvas, which union, words of the artist himself, came out by chance.


Tim Stock: always paint what’s in your heart

Per un pomeriggio, quello di giovedì 19, un pezzo di Parigi vola a Milano per portarci un po’ di sana street art: quella di Olivier, in arte 2SHY, classe 1976, che raccoglie le sue opere illegali su Tumblr e lavora sia per grosse agenzie pubblicitarie che per fanzine indipendenti.

Ad ospitare la sua prossima opera una parete di Wok, store top-end milanese, fra una Carlsberg ed il dj set di Turbojazz di Futureground.
Dalle 19 alle 21.30 di giovedì 19/12 in viale Col di Lana 5/A.

2SHY da Wok a Milano